
- Stories:
- This portion
of the site covers various stories that are currently being written.
- The ReLm
Of Tyrants Series.
- Try For
- The Brothers.
- A Passing
- Ruin
Of Evil.
- When
The Wheel Comes Full Circle.
- The Slayer
- Three
Of Light And One Of Darkness.
- Past Reality.
- Maglk.
- Absent Admirer
(The Divine Denizen).

- Relm Of Tyrants:
- Part One -
Try For Conquest.
- Covers
the acendency of the Tyrant Ditanal and his fledgling northern
- Part Two -
The Brothers.
- Follows
two brothers from an out of the way village who seem to have
a role
to play in the coming battle with Ditanal's powerful and other
worldly ally
the demon Jareem Emardin.
- Part Three
- A passing Shadow.
- The Tyrant
Sias Gladrium has taken the western kingdom and sets his eyes
the newly fallen north.
- Part Four -
Ruin Of Evil.
- The once
great tower had fallen and it's once infamous owner killed,
but the
eye can be deceived and so too the histories and subsequent
legends. The north
starts to stir again opening up many old wounds.
- Part Five -
When The Wheel Comes Full Circle.
- Ten thousand
years have passed since the events in part four. The Armadian
keeper makes a surprise visit to the Southern Coalition amid
the storm of the
Northern lands increased military activity. The discovery
of Ditanal's lost
tower sets in motion a series of events that could spell the
doom of the ReLm.

- The Slayer Chronicles:
- Part 1 - Three
Of Light And One Of Darkness.
- Sometimes
evil is a tool that can be used by those of the light. The
birth of
a human child in the frozen wastes sees the beginning of such
a moment, the
question is will the universe survive.

- Past Reality.
- Earth in
the near future is a world where peace has learned to flurish
but the
truth behind the past is set to return in a tide of blood.

- Maglk.
- The East
has invaded bringing with them weapons the west has never seen.
ancient order of Paladin's has fallen, it falls to an aging
soldier to turn the
tide. The easts new leader a western youngster with the gift
of a caster tries
to become Maglk while the spirits pick a new guardian.

- The Absent Admirer
(The Divine Denizen).
- The Ten,
the fingers of fate have been struck a fatal blow but the Wizard
his growing empire have made a miscalculation. Will the Dark
Tide sweep across
the lands once more or has fate played one of her many games.
