- Duke Numem 3D - Plutonium
- A First Person
Shooter(FPS) by 3D Realms.
- The Circles Of Death
- COD 1 - The Arena.
- COD 2 - The Dark
- COD 3 - The Garden
- COD 4 - Return
To The Dark Rooms.
- COD 5 - Arena
- COD 6 - The Garden
- COD 7 - Arena
Of Stairs.
- The Complex series:
- Complex 1.
- Complex 2.
- Complex 3.
- Complex 4.
- Complex 5.
- Complex 6.
- Complex 7.
- Complex 8.
- Complex 9.
- Complex 10.
- Complex 1 - The
Remake Part 1.
- Complex 1 - The
Remake Part 2.
- Maps not part os
a series:
- The Garden.
- The Great Hall.
- The Space Station.
- Temple Of Death.